​​Church@TheGabba has been very active in various overseas ministries over the years.

Pastor Ian has been very involved in overseas ministry in many countries over many years and has taken several teams from the church on mission trips to Moldova, Ukraine, Turkey and Nepal. 

We have been blessed to be able to support mission, training and aid efforts in these countries as well as to support grass-roots ministry activity in Thailand, Cambodia and South Africa.

The church has, also, been very involved in the Operation Christmas Child campaign over several years.


Following the strategic pattern found in Acts 1:8, Church@TheGabba has established a Mission Support Strategy. This current financial year we have committed to supporting, financially and prayerfully, the work of the following great ministry/mission works….

LOCAL: Indigenous Christian Leadership Initiatives, & Hope Alive.

NATIONAL: Baptist World Aid, Global Interaction.

INTERNATIONAL: Mission Projects (church-linked activities), Kingdom Life Children’s Centre (South Africa), Engage Intl, and GAiN.

Click on any of the logos on this page to go to the mission's website to find out more.


Our commitment to these, and the other mission groups, is a faith challenge for us all.

If you are interested in helping us to support these vitally important mission groups and activities you can do so by depositing into the special missions account that has been set up.

Thanks for your support!

BANK: Westpac BSB: 034003     ACCOUNT #: 412794


Our Missions

The missions we prayerfully and financially support in Australia and around the world.